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M E E T  D E B O R A H

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Peace, Love, & Happiness

Tomorrow I turn 19 years old! This is the last year of my life where my age has "teen" at the end!! WILD!!

One would think the only thoughts and feelings I have are pure happiness to get to see another year. Don't get me wrong I am excited for my birthday and to see how the party turns out and everything. But I am just as terrified to enter another chapter of my life especially since the last one was a roller coaster of every emotion there is. Eighteen had a lot of new beginnings and a lot of experiences I had to take on all by myself. It was a lot all at once and I had no idea how to deal with it.

All I want in this next year of my life is to find peace with my inner demons. Its been a struggle trying to be one hundred percent happy with my life. Some days I feel on top of the world and loved, but other days I feel alone, confused, and at a lost. Most time I would just blame the Gemini that I am because the world knows we are a breed of our own. But I know there are things I could be doing to help fight those feelings, but I have made very poor decisions and some times I see no way to endure to the end. So I just want the ability and strength to right my wrongs and find peace in all that I do.

My grandmother always wishes on me and tells me to pray for three things. Three very simple but amazing things. PEACE. LOVE. HAPPINESS. That is all I wish for and want for nineteen and the rest of my life.




Hi! I'm Deb!! I’m a student  at Brigham Young University. And yes I am a Mormon!! I grew up in Palm Beach, FL and decided to try something different in my life and head out West to Utah for school. I'm a social media, sports, and shopping obsessed girl. My personality is a good combination of both witty, and sassy. I'd love to have you guys join me on my blogging and YouTube journey because it’ll be quite the show!!



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