It’s Okay to Not be Okay!
If there’s a question that I hate people asking me it’s “how are you?” I’m not sure when my hatred for this question started because I feel like people ask me this question all the time! LITERALLY!
“How am I supposed to answer when it’s in passing, should I tell them how I’m really feeling, do they even care?!” So many questions come to my mind when such a simple question is asked. I think the main reason why I hate this question is because no one has ever really told me it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay for me to struggle. It’s okay for me to not be my best self at the moment. In our society, there’s just so much pressure on striving to be the most perfect version of yourself or what people expect you to be. Heck I go to a school where everyone talks about striving for perfection. 🙃
As a natural born extrovert, it’s always been people only ever expect to see the happy and loud Deb. Over the years I’ve learned to lie to people. I just started telling people “I’m good, oh I’m fine.” FINE! That’s my go to feeling. If that’s even a feeling. It’s much easier than having to explain what you’re currently struggling with or what’s really going on.
Recently my life has taken some major turns. So many bricks have fallen on me and I’ve felt stuck and lost. I’ve been trying to figure out life all over again. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned during this time of my life is that it is perfectly okay to not be okay. It’s okay to tell people you aren’t at your best right now, and that you’re struggling. People will understand because we’re all human.
Social media definitely has a way of making us all think that one person's life is so perfect, but that isn’t always the case. Especially with how I showcase my life. I’m not saying that the next time someone asks, “how are you?” that you have to tell them exactly everything. Because that can get a little intense especially if it’s in passing. I get it people are very different with how they express emotions. I’m like an onion. You have to peel back one layer at a time to truly get to know me. I’m not a vulnerable person at all. But I have learned it’s good to let people in. It’s good to allow people to pull back your layers. It feels good to have someone to talk to.
The next time someone asks you “how are you” you can say “not okay at the moment” or my new thing I say, “not the best right now, but things are picking up!” People will understand, they will love you, and it will be okay.
If you’re going through a lot right now just keep fighting the good fight! Just keep swimming. It will all be okay!!
I saw this quote on Pinterest and it really resonated with me. I hope it resonates with you guys as well!!!